Best HRM Software

Haermes best HRM Software

Master Admin

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Employee Management Module from Haermes provides a better overview for HR users and Management level for their human resources. With the complete and integrated database, the feature creates the system to be very easy to maintain, or obtain and organize the information inside human resources.

We understand an outstanding HRM System started from a strong Employee Management System, so this module provides a very strong foundation with complete features to let HR and Management to analyze, tracking, and advanced configuration even for each of employees.

Haermes has complete modules written below.

  1. Employee Database
  2. Payroll
  3. Attendance
  4. Employee Self-Service
  5. Recruitment
  6. Appraisal
  7. Claim
  8. Loan
  9. Training

Besides these modules, we can customize all you need such as custom module, custom reporting, and even unique portal.

For more information about the modules and features, you can read them here. We also offer a special package with faster implementation so you can use what only matter for your HR needs.

Master Admin

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